9 примеров лофт-пространств, в которых все просчитано

1. Этот лофт был разработан как решение для растущей семьи.

L. McComber Architects provided a design solution for the owners of this 700 square foot loft in Montreal, Canada. They needed to create a room for a newborn baby, so a suspended platform bed made of curved Douglas Fir plywood and tubular steel was created.

2. Лофт в этой крошечной квартире площадью 139 квадратных футов во Вроцлаве, Польша.

Szymon Hanczar designed a tiny 13 square metre (approx. 139 sq feet) apartment in Wroclaw, Poland, that he lived in for several years. It includes a small kitchenette, a bathroom, a bedroom on the mezzanine, and storage for the essentials.

Photography by Jedrzej Stelmaszek

3. Кровать на чердаке приподнята для создания отдельных зон в квартире.

When nookarchitects were designing this loft apartment in Barcelona, Spain, they utilized the additional ceiling height to create a lofted bed, allowing the lower floor to be used as a study, living room or a dressing room.

Furniture by Casa Jornet, Photography by nieve | Productora Audiovisual

4. Этот лофт в Нью-Йорке площадью 500 квадратных футов был создан для создания функциональных пространств.

Jordan Parnass Architecture were tasked with designing this small studio space for their client that wasn’t anxious to move. The designers were able define and organize the studio, creating functional spaces for cooking, cleaning, dressing and sleeping.

Photography by Frank Oudeman and Sean Karns

5. Эта старая прачечная-котельная была преобразована в гостевую квартиру.

Instead of having this little unused space in San Francisco removed, designer Christi Azevedo was asked to transform it into a full service guest apartment. It might not look like it from the outside, but by adding height to the original brick building, it allows enough space to include a kitchen, living area, bathroom and a bedroom.

Photography by Cesar Rubio

6. Этот компактный лофт был разработан для маленькой квартиры в Сан-Франциско.

Designers at ICOSA, together with Peter Suen, have designed the Domino Loft, a custom designed, multi-functional loft, for a small apartment in San Francisco, California. It has a work space with dry-erase wall, a small desk/dining table, a fold-out murphy bed, and an upper bed accessed via a ladder.

Photography by Brian Flaherty

7. Этот лофт в Лондоне скрывает лестницу как часть книжных полок.

Craft Design have transformed what was once an open-plan office space into a loft apartment, that has a bed and desk space located on top of a central box, that houses the bathroom and storage.

Photography by Armando Elias

8. Этот компактный лофт в Амстердаме наполнен скрытыми особенностями (и это отель).

concrete have designed a compact loft hotel room with many hidden features, for hotel brand, Zoku. The space includes a hidden bedroom, that can be closed off from the rest of the room, with the wooden slat doors.

9. Эта спальня на чердаке в Бухаресте, Румыния, предназначена только для любителей приключений.

Design firm In situ, have created a lofted bedroom for their clients, that has a glass floor section allowing you to see the living space below.

Photography by Dan Samoila

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