Мы собрали 11 домов, которые являются отличным примером того, что можно сделать со старыми историческими фермерскими домами, сараями и конюшнями, сочетая их с современными элементами.
1. This home in Tel Aviv, Israel, is considered to be hundreds of years old.
Ремонт выполнен Pitsou Kedem .
2. This live-work space in Washington DC, was once a horse stable dating back to the 1800s.
Отремонтирован E / L Studio
Photography by Pepper Watkins
3. This home on the island of Nisyros, Greece, dates back to the 17th century.
Отремонтирован Грегом Хаджи Иоаннидесом и Гиоргосом Циронисом.
Photography by Panos Kokkinias
4. This home in Extremadura, Spain, was once an abandoned stable.
Ремонт выполнен Ábaton Architects , интерьеры выполнены Ábaton Architects и БАТАВИЯ
Photography © Bethlehem Imaz
5. This home La Cerdanya, Spain, was once an old farm house.
Ремонт выполнен Dom Arquitectura , интерьеры выполнены Бланкой Элордуи.
Photography by Jordi Anguera
6. This home is in Sheffield, England, was an old barn originally built in the late 16th century.
Отремонтирован Snook Architects
Photography by Andy Haslam
7. This home near Winchester, England, was once a stable for racehorses, and dates back to 1940s.
Отремонтировано AR Design Studio
Photography by Martin Gardner
8. This vacation rental in Ibiza, Spain, was once a old country house more than 300 years old.
Отремонтирован Фрэнсисом Диммерсом и ибисским архитектором Анжелой Молиной.
© Francis Dimmers / Photo by Greg Jouslin
9. This home in the Central Highlands of Scotland, was once an old cottage and farm buildings.
Отремонтирован архитекторами Стюартом Арчером и Лиз Маринко.
Photography by David Barbour
10. This home in Girona, Spain, was once an old Catalan farmhouse.
Отремонтировано ZEST Architecture
Photography by Jesús Granada
11. This home in in Marche di Fermo, Italy, was once an old stone stable.
Отремонтировано Студией Роя Дэвида